"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs are people who have come alive."
--Howard Thurman
Wow, it has already been a month of letters! So far, 46 letters have been sent to people in 12 states and 7 countries. Pennsylvania is the frontrunner for most letters received - Pittsburgh, to be exact. As it should be - it will always be home.
Today I received not one but TWO fantastic letters from distant locations - Colombia and England. The first one was hand-delivered to our door because we had to sign for it - it felt very official. And then it was a bonus, because the other letter was in the mailbox! I must say, it really made my Monday special. Colombia wins the prize for best stamps so far - thanks Maria Victoria!
And I also must mention the beautiful cards that my mother-in-law, Julia Robinson, makes. The card she sent me today had these beautiful layers of paper, one of which was red and gold and sparkly, and a cat with flower print on it and a pearl collar. It makes getting a letter that much more special when the person made the card! (Something to strive for someday :) Those who know me well know I do love to make cards, though the extent of my skills is limited to Mr. Sketch markers).
This does not have to do directly with writing letters, but I feel I must share it anyways: this evening I am brimming with joy, having discovered that NPR is featuring the new yet-to-be-released Blind Pilot Album for free live stream. They are my favorite band of all time (not including the Beatles) and my heart is soaring from just having listened to the album. Thus, I must share this joy with you, dear reader, as this letter project is about spreading joy and love! You can listen to it here: http://www.npr.org/2011/08/28/139912429/first-listen-blind-pilot-we-are-the-tide
Blind Pilot makes my heart soar - like the quote above, their music makes me come alive. And I urge you, tonight or whenever you read this, go do something that makes your heart soar! Whatever that is. Find it, and do it, and love it! The world will be better because of it.