Friday, July 27, 2012

One Year Of Letters

"And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make." ~the Beatles

I just got finished watching the Olympic opening ceremony, and Let It Be is on my mind, for a number of reasons, but I think it makes a nice start to this entry.

Yesterday marked the one-year anniversary of My Year of Letters. I didn't succeed in sending a letter a
day, as I'd originally intended - but I do believe I sent more than 365 letters and postcards (as many days I sent more than 1), though I stopped counting after a while because it was taking away from the fun. I set out this year to write daily letters as a practice of mindfulness, kindness, and love, and a ways of reconnecting with friends and family. While I didn't reach my daily goal, letter writing has certainly become a practice for me, even more so than before I started this project. I am more centered and connected when I write my letters, and I do it with greater intention. I reconnected with old friends, even made some new ones, and (I think) brightened a few days. And in terms of sending love, I sent many letters, but I got back so much more - not necessarily in quantity, but definitely in love and in gratitude for the letters that I sent. 

I'm reminded of the song from Rent:
Five hundred twenty-nine thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty-nine thousand moments so dear
Five hundred twenty-nine thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?

In terms of letters, mine is a TOMS shoe box:

Though my year of letters is ending, my letters will continue.I will also keep this blog going for the occasional post about stationery, letter writing, pen pals and the like.Thanks for reading!

(and if you didn't get a letter yet, just send me your address or let me know you want one :)

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